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Nagorno Karabakh

 Scenes from a Country that Doesn’t Exist by Magdalena Chodownik

Où se trouve le Nagorno–Karabakh ?

Cette enclave auto-proclamée du Caucase du sud, aussi grande que le Luxembourg, se situe au sein des frontières officielles de l’Azerbaïdjan, au sud-ouest du pays. Elle est entourée par  l’Iran au nord et l’Arménie à l’ouest. La  communauté internationale ne reconnaît pas l’autonomie de ce territoire à majorité arménienne, soutenu par Erevan. 


Despite the violence, the normality of life in Nagorno-Karabakh is almost jarring. Citizens of the nonexistent state react with the equivalent of a verbal shrug when asked about living in a place where sniper shootings are a daily occurrence. “I am not sure if I got used to the situation or I’m just tired of it all and cannot worry too much anymore,” says Eva, a mother of two, who has lived her entire life in the conflict zone. “I have my family to feed, my kids to take care of, my job and my duties. I try not to think too much and keep on [going]. It is already difficult enough here.”

Azeri land

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