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E-mail art

"There is an ongoing debate among some artists as to what the relationship of Email art to Mail Art should be, questioning whether it is a valid or meaningful genre of art, and asking if any digital art that is emailed constitutes "Email art". There has been particular criticism by traditionally-minded mailartists who have perceived Email art to be akin to mass media or regarded it as spam. Other criticisms of Email art from a mailartist perspective have focused on the lack of dimensionality of the attachment, the lack of intimacy* compared with physical mail."

* The "lack of intimacy", on peut y remédier !

Article L111-1 - "L'auteur d'une oeuvre de l'esprit jouit sur cette oeuvre, du seul fait de sa création, d'un droit de propriété incorporelle exclusif et opposable à tous." (Code de la propriété intellectuelle)

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