Génocide Arménie
article du mercredi 18 octobre, in #LaProvence
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article du mercredi 18 octobre, in #LaProvence
Sélections d'horreurs dans le domaine de la restauration d’édifices et monuments historiques en Turquie. "Parfois on attend même pas l’arrivée de Daesh pour détruire un héritage historique." Ce théâtre de 7000 places était considéré comme le mieux conservé de toute l’Asie Mineure. Restauré avec du marbre destiné aux planches de travail de cuisine.
via Kedistan
A university rector in the southeastern province of Adıyaman has claimed that shaking hands with an unrelated woman was “more horrific than holding fire.” In a post shared on social media, Professor Mustafa Talha Gönüllü, the rector of #AdıyamanUniversity, asked whether it was religiously permissible to hold a woman’s hand without having been engaged.
“The hand of a woman touching an unrelated man when there is no need is forbidden by the religion. In this respect, an unrelated man cannot shake hands with an unrelated woman. Our Prophet had declared that holding the hand of an unrelated woman to shake hands was more horrific than holding fire and it was said that those who hold the hand of someone unrelated would grasp the fire of hell,” Gönüllü wrote.
He also claimed that “walking with one’s fiancée out and staying alone together” was strictly forbidden by the religion and was a great sin.
But #Gönüllü stated that it was permissible for elder men and women to shake hands as their “emotive sides were vanished.”
Gönüllü’s remarks drew immediate ire from social media users – via #hurriyetdailynews. October 16 2017
"La Turquie est très éloignée d'une adhésion et cela restera ainsi".
Mark Rutte